Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

We are a small traditional church that is best described by the Hymn “They Will Know We are Christians by Our Love” We are firm believers in acting from Gods love and most everything else will fall into place.

 We have lots of space in the front of the building with additional parking in the back if needed! 

The preacher is infamous for wearing jeans and sneakers behind the pulpit. Sunday best is traditional, but wear what you feel comfortable in! God loves you anyway! 

Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook or send us an email! Both are checked daily by the preacher and an elder!

What about my kids?
We're glad you asked!

One thing worse than hearing a child in service is not hearing any.  Although we love having kids in our service, we understand you may prefer a setting more fit for them. We have designated time and teachers for the kids during our service. There will always be two different adults with them teaching, caring and loving them the way Jesus teaches us.